Shortcode 7.x-2.x, xxxx-xx-xx ------------------------------ Shortcode 7.x-2.x, 2014-04-10 Reformat according to the Drupal coding standard Shortcode 7.x-2.x, 7.x-2.0, 2013-08-20 #1879712 by BarisW: Implement hook_shortcode_info() #2042645 by mrupal: fix in default value handling Various fixes and additional checkings Shortcode 7.x-2.x, 7.x-2.0-alpha4, 2012-10-12 Changes since 7.x-2.0-alpha1: #1716806: small fixes. #1716806 by JurriaanRoelofs : Added latest patch (#6) lines. #1716806: Making Shortcode WYSIWYG compatible with FAPI form states - clean up and fixes. #1716806 by JurriaanRoelofs : Making Shortcode WYSIWYG compatible with FAPI form states. #1759416#[1759416]: don't filter out brackets if that don't contains shortcode. Reported by SpaceGoat1701. Formatting source code, removing, adding comments. #1716806 by JurriaanRoelofs: Making shortcode escaping media tags aware. #1661656 by ablondeau: Added html_entity_decode to the attributes parsing. #1591312 by dropletz: Added better shortcode description in filter format form. Updated video id handling code. Disabled filter format caching. Enabled only for debug. by balagan: Corrected the module english words. Initial version of the video macro shortcode module. Allowed escaping codes. Removed debug code, small code clean ups. ------------------------------ Shortcode 7.x-2.x, 2012-03-10 ------------------------------ by balagan: Corrected the module english words. by Denes.Szabo: Added the initial version of the video macro shortcode module. Shortcode 7.x-2.x, 2012-03-10 ------------------------------ by Denes.Szabo: Allowed to escape codes. by Denes.Szabo: Updated the code tips, now all translateable. by Denes.Szabo: Updated to use new attr handling method to help code editors. by Denes.Szabo: Lots of fixes and cleanups by Denes.szabo: Fixed multi text format handling in one content. #1469108 by Nick Cash: Fixed a missing object creation. #1469132 by Nick Cash: Removed theme alter. by Denes.szabo: Added documentation to the functions. by Denes.szabo: Renamed the shortcode_embed_content module.